I love the feeling of being vulnerable. I love being real, open and honest—and I love allowing others to be the same. I feel many things, both from a distance and touch-wise, through my hands and love exploring and expressing through them. I love dancing to hip-hop music…(one of these is not like the others;)). I am reliable and trustworthy. I am both soft and fierce. I love and revere the holiness of this life.
I love interacting with others through intimate, playful banter.
I am drawn to unguarded life stories.
I love bringing myself to the table. I love seeing you there. I love being so wholly present with you. I love holding space—wading out, diving deep—processing through the murkier, weightier stuff—feeling spirit moving through and around us—releasing until there is nothing left to let go of…and coming up and out as lighter, clearer, more truthful versions of our already perfect selves.
Still, amidst any intensity that this life brews up, there are few things that I approach with resolute seriousness. I laugh easily. I laugh hard. I laugh often.
I love cultivating deep and sustaining relationships. I love unified presence. I brotherhood. I love sisterhood. I love talking about change, cycles, rhythms and routines. I love dancing around a fire until every part of our sacred, sweaty bodies is an unrestrained revelation of intent and prayer.
This is all part of my truth.
I am evolving—always.
We all are.