these past two weeks have been fairly normal—school, work, together-time, untogether-time, mind/soul nourishment, body nourishment, laughter, cuddling…it’s all been here and, again, reasonably routine—except for this one thing: andy’s dad is dying.
while the kids have, unsurprisingly to us, been handling the entire situation with unfastened reverence and grace—for andy and i, juggling the day-to-day dance, while honoring the sacred’ity of this experience has largely been little short of a struggle.
there are things to be said, things to be wrapped up, time to be spent, people to be called, events to be organized…
…………and from somewhere in the mix—bright, fiery and flaring, as if to shadow all of these task-oriented on-goings—there radiates this cycle. this cycle of life and of accompanying love. of pain and of physical loss. of birth and of rebirth. of forgiveness and of understanding. of repetition and of comfort. of knowing and then of not knowing. it is both human and it is ethereal. it is circular. it is embracive. it is for us and it is through us.
for many, even those who firmly grasp an awareness of the after and between Earth energetics, there is this small fraction of unknowing—unknowing in the ways that have been most recently tangible and familiar, anyway—and that, in turn, naturally supports a small amount of fear.
regardless of the company he keeps, both from this dimension and the other; andy’s father is scared. sparking from this place of alarm and unreserved vulnerability, clarity seems to emanate through only seconds of interaction.
through these split-seconds of unspoken exchange during the past couple of weeks;
i’ve learned that you might not see the depth of a soul until right before their journey back.
i’ve also learned that death can be a powerful instigator of healing, connection and understanding. people feel the power of death. there’s a sacred energy around a soul readying to wrap up this program and return home that touches even the most disconnected of bystanders.
most notably to me, i’ve relearned that it is not necessary to enjoy the company of another soul to feel vast amounts of gratitude and love for them and their journey. this experience has gifted me another glimpse at the divine unity of our collective presence. the love that we all share regardless of who we are or what our plans are or have been for this life is without border.
here in the physical realm, the death experience, in general, largely churns to the tune of misunderstanding. we are non-physical, eternal vibration being expressed through a human body. our time here is to refine who we are and to work towards who we are to become. we come through as pure, joyful energy—yet, death is a concept, an event that we are warned about almost immediately upon entering this time/space reality. we begin to feel anxious about it, to push against it. we associate death with something not wanted or welcomed—something to avoid at any cost.
i occasionally think about how nice it would be for all of us to achieve a ‘transition’ illuminated by pure relaxation, appreciation and ease—to wrap up our time here by simply saying (or thinking): ‘this life has been so fulfilling. i have learned all that i came here to learn. i acknowledge the perfection of this experience. i am whole and complete and i am ready to reemerge into the pure love that i am.’
there is no death.
there is no separation.
there is only time spent learning.
there is only union…and reunion.
where there is fear and resistance towards dying, there is also fear and resistance towards living.
souls travel in.
souls travel out.
both journeys are significant.
both journeys are good.
namaste. so much love to you and yours…..through this transition time. you are held in loving support and divine guidance. shanti!
Sweety,i’m sitting here in tears as i feel your soul in your words.It is definatly beautiful.I pray this does bring strength & healing to all of you & Andy’s family. You are so gifted & into what you do.I Love You & miss You,Aunt Tina Have a wonderful day & keep doing what you do.