publication day is here!!!
today, this small book project that is so dear to me and that i have worked so hard to create will finally trickle out into the world. a huge thanks to everyone who pre-ordered, and who reached out with supportive words. your kindness is big, and it stays with me.

after moving to this community, ten years ago, i quickly found this place.
once a lake, i think of it now as a cradling bowl in the forest that soothes and restores. with the exception of very cold and/or rainy stretches, i make my way down here most days. through thoughts and dreams, both silent and spoken, i have shared much about this journey while sitting surrounded by this collective beauty of trees, plants, creatures, wind and water.
several fun ways to celebrate this book release day have surfaced, but the only one that has felt really right has been to come down to what has become a treasured confidant—to quietly sit with her, thank her for her gentle witnessing, for her inspiration, for the consistency of her presence. throughout this writing process, there has been plenty to sort through and hope for, but one prayer has remained the same and i have felt myself feel it and have heard myself speak it a countless number of times.
it is this: please guide this project to help make the lives of others and our planet better.
it is a prayer for you, for myself, and for our earth—all of whom i love and care about deeply.
if this book finds its way to you and you resonate with it enough to page through it, it is my sincere wish that you feel this prayer of hope and healing throughout every part—and that it leads you toward some sort of “better.”
(side note: i recently learned that books are almost always published on tuesday…and no one seems entirely sure why.:))
you can find “the little book of big life change” here.