Our moon-time cycles are sacred.
In our current culture, however, many seem to view this special process as an inconvenience instead of one to admire. There are a lot of ways to honor this beautiful monthly release. We can take time to support our bodies through eating warming and nourishing foods, spend time alone or with nurturing friends, and cultivate gratitude for the opportunity to surrender and to channel both creative and restorative energy during this few-day stretch.
We can also consider gifting this nourishing fluid to the ground.
Before I run my moon-time cloth through a wash cycle, I often soak it in a bowl. Seeing the water turn deep crimson began to strengthen my reverence for the whole process and soon it felt odd to send this colorful liquid down the drain…so I began taking it outdoors and pouring it onto the plants around our home.
I have grown to really love this practice.
Blood is rich is nutrients—and is often used as a natural fertilizer. So along with delivering it to the Earth feeling like a good way to honor the cycle, it also feels like a good way to honor and nourish the ground.
This practice may seem really unusual and maybe even uncomfortable at first, but it is one that may quickly transform perceptions and inspire a deeper connection with this unique and extraordinary gift.
(Nabalo Lifestyle Magazine, Issue 3, 2018)