“let your Love be disgraceful, crazy and wild. if you’re too holy and careful, God will escape you.”
Universal, Unconditional Love is top of the top in soul-full evolution. It is a divine, sacred, magical state; deep-healing, circular, releasing, receiving—knowing sans reservation. All being connected, to love any other soul is to love our own.
For some, the idea of Love begins with an awareness of the feelings of familiarity, safety and comfort. These feelings, alone, can certainly have a very real and physical effect on well-being. While attending a college psychology class many years ago, I recall studying some of the unsettling experiments conducted during the late 1800’s into the 1900’s. While they were all peculiar and troubling on many levels, the one that still stands out most, in my mind, is Harry Harlow’s “terry cloth monkey” research. During these controversial series of experiments, Harlow removed baby rhesus monkeys from their mothers, and offered them a choice between two surrogate mothers; one made of terry cloth, the other of wire. I won’t go into the muddled-up details, but the monkeys preferred and clung to (regardless of food provisions) the cloth covered surrogate mothers—the ones that offered them unconditional comfort, safety and warmth. Not surprisingly, the simplicity of this touch not only had a huge impact on mental and emotional well-being, but also significantly affected biological function, including immune system response.
As a person moves on in the evolutionary journey of their soul, Love, too, moves beyond the simple enjoyable connection or the sense of comfort and safety to embody that which is the supreme feeling/vibration. It progressively becomes an all-embracing lifestyle, an expression of joy and happiness emerging deep from within one’s self. Love. It is vitally important. It is the most powerful presence. It is a way of relating to all life and is innate and interwoven into everyone and everything. It generates positive energy, attracts the same and creates balance between your soul and Source Energy. Healing is accessed here.
We do not need to love the character or the actions of every single person we meet to express and feel unconditional love for them. Love them because they share the same energetic space and universal conscious. Love them for the process that they are bravely going through to learn here and now (same as us). Love them because we are connected to them—in a very real sort of way. Often woven into patterns of feeling anger or dislike is the feel of judgment: imposing our personal beliefs, ideas and expectations onto others. Judgment does not change anything in, on or about the person being judged. Instead, it interferes with the harmony and vibration of the one judging. Understanding that we all come through this life, collectively, yet with separate missions and purpose goes a long way in releasing the desire to want others to learn identical and individually tailored lessons. There is an all-consuming liberation that parallels learning to let go of judgment and to wholly surrender into the space of divine Love and appreciation.
We may already be entirely aware of your connection to everyone/thing else. Or, we may be sitting here a bit confused, asking ‘I’m connected to what?’…‘I’m connected to who?’ Know this: wherever we are in this journey is perfect. The encouragement right now is to accept that there is an interconnectedness between everyone and everything—that there is an unwavering unity that flows. When we realize this, our awareness gives a contribution to this unified field. It is a contribution of unconditional love, of polished purpose, of aligned guidance—all with the common thread of wanting to bring about both personal and global transformation. We have the ability to help transform the world through our own journey, our own awareness and the Love that we, without question or reservation, gift to those around us each day.
In its stripped down essence, Love has little to do with any other person or surrounding situation. Love is about coming home to our true self. It is rooted in living from the core, in ways that are in harmony with our being and our planet. When we recognize and allow this alignment, everything around us flows with ease.
‘it is Love that holds everything together, and it is the everything also.’
deeply interesting!