today, emory wrapped up her kindergarten year—and for someone who really doesn’t care whether she attends a public school, i have unraveled into a quiet, contemplative bundle. it all began with a dvd presentation, yesterday, in her classroom. parents lined up in kid~sized seats to watch their children’s first year, from the schoolroom perspective, in the company of clever and emotionally-fit music. clips of the kids standing alongside a ruler at the beginning of the year, followed by clips of the same near the end of year began rolling out definitive evidence of growth—in inches;). i, immediately and mindfully, tuned into my dad’s voice saying, “time goes by quickly.” there it was—flashing proof, over and over, right in front of my face that change indeed happens…quickly. while i (thankfully) refrained from any audible sobbing (oh, the horror!:)), a few tears did find a soft path down my cheeks…which emory turned around to catch, and to cross~examine me about later.
even while we understand the dynamic nature of this world and our temporary time here to learn, staying still—a bit static at times—can gift clarity and comfort. i have no true desire for things to remain unchanged at length, yet i savor noticing the swift~moving moments that force me to slow down, to study what is around me and to really express gratitude and feel appreciative.
i feel so thankful that emory enjoyed her first year of school…and i feel so thankful that i have the opportunity to travel through this life alongside her and witness her transform and grow—inch by {incredible} inch.
That is so beautifully stated Carrie. And so incredibly true. Marley Jane reminds me to stay in the moment too. Congrats to Emory on making it through the first year of school! Her eyes indicate a brilliance and strength that a woman like yourself most definitely has empowered 🙂 XOXO Much love to you my friend~
thank you, kashi…
marley jane is so amazing…her beautiful energy instantly shines through the pics that you post~ always makes me smile;) much love your way, as well, dear friend, xx.
I love the picture of your daughter Carrie. She is beautiful and I know you have raised as only you know how. This post if beautifully written.
((thank you, mark))♥
So very nice and soul touching.I can so identify with how you felt on that day.Today is the fitst time that I have been on your site.Thank you I will visit again