“the Earth is going to soon go through a great purification and humanity can make the decision as to how extreme this purification will be.”
—hopi prophecy
the past few nights have been filled with intense dreams and visions that make sense of the past, of the future…and of the road connecting the two. for those of us who came through this physical life (this time around) to aid in breaking down old systems and paradigms that no longer serve in a way that is good and/or truthful, this period is an inspiring, confirming, awe~filled course—one that we allhave played an amazing role in creating and sustaining. (yay, team!)
it was during the mid~nineties when the first “intentional community seeds” began wildly sprouting/flourishing in the files of my mind. i was immediately drawn to the idea of sharing space, resources, love and laughter with a likeminded group of souls. the most beautiful people have waned in and out of the plan over the years and the picture has meandered and morphed, aplenty. for financial reasons, pushing the whole production forward has been unachievable. unachievable. {pausing to cringe at my use of this word.} i have been approaching this, for years, from the place of waiting until i, alone, could buy the property, build conservative structures, plant the gardens, tap into water, and all of the sustaining rest—and THEN invite others to join. i, now, realize that, alone, none of this will happen.
for three consecutive nights, i’ve dreamt of buying land on contract and paying it off by orchestrating a donation~based “land dance” once a month—a sort of part~time community, where nobody has to leave their primary residence/location, but still can become a solid part of a family rooted in authenticity and love. the property would have garden plots, which would be available for individual/family use (another income source supporting the property acquisition,) yurts (where anybody, in support, can stay in…for a night…a week….forever?!:)) and a communal kitchen/bath area. i envision the property eventually sustaining itself—off grid.
i know that i’ve already talked about much of this with many of you, throughout the years, and i know that most of you have been hopeful and on board. wouldn’t it be great if this could move out of the “yeah, that would be so cool” zone and into the “let’s really make this happen” arena?
i might never stop dreaming about it.