over the past couple of years, i’ve received numerous messages inquiring about my frequent posting and/or mention of “11:11.” while i realize the obscurity of repeatedly posting a particular time for many—my posts are (mostly) intended as a gesture of acknowledgment and as a nod to those who are already locked in to the 11:11 cycle…and (partly) intended for those curious few who may be {subconsciously} looking for a synchronistic push to explore new ground. either way, the 11:11 topic has been on my ‘to write about’ list for a long while. as, most-oft, the life story seems to go; there have been many other projects begging for attention and/or the timing hasn’t felt quite right. it could just be this rare opportunity that i’m taking to spend a few days sans kids, or my serene surroundings that are allowing time and space for a good 11:11 dishing—either way, i could not ignore the {very early} morning nudge to crawl out of bed and write a bit about it on this most fitting day of 11/11/11.
i began seeing 11:11 during my third year of college. it was during a time when i was beginning to remember things that i had intuitively known during childhood and reconnecting with an awareness of co-existing realities. what began as infrequent, but curiosity-stirring sightings swiftly amassed into very frequent, typically twice a day, observations. if i drifted off to sleep on the earlier side, i would often wake up at exactly that time to see the digital clock from across the room. i was aware that i was seeing the number often…and i was aware that it was odd—in the sense that it felt significant to me—yet i had no idea why……and wouldn’t for many years to follow…
as i began linking up with people from around the world through healing work and the internet, i realized that many people, from many locations and stations of life, have had and/or are having the ‘11:11 experience.’ for each of these people that i’ve connected with, 11:11 or the number 11 holds unique significance. (side note: 1111 is only one of many numerical patterns. there are several other patterns at play in our world, instigating higher levels of awareness…1234, 444, and onward…)
while individual interpretations vary, the beautiful tie-in wrapped around the 11:11 experience, the mention that spans most, if not all, conversations is the innate knowing that it is being seen for a reason—that there is a message in the sighting. most believe that it’s not just a coincidence. some believe that it’s their personal wake up call. the questioning of it all commences a very fascinating journey for many. others view it as an opportunity to slow down and become more aware of the synchronicities around them and the lessons that these “meaningful coincidences” are bringing into their lives.
i’m not naïve to the notion that there are many skilled skeptics waiting to jump in with the suggestion that once you notice something enough to notably notice the notice (it makes sense and we both know it;)), you’ll see more of that something simply because you’re more consciously aware that it exists. whenever i start driving a new car, for example, i suddenly begin seeing the same make and model everywhere i go. indeed, i don’t believe that after i bought my very first car back in 199’something, that the universe conspired to roll out a shite-load of chevy corsicas. i just (finally) noticed that they exist.
this logical explanation is fine and dandy. (aren’t all logical explanations?) it’s prim and proper and scientifically in tip-top shape. sure, i noticed the 11’s, then i expected to see more of them…and, then, i did—in that precise order. admittedly, i’m not the most passionate about logical explanations…or logic, in general. i enjoy sprinklings here and there, but my passion lies near fully in things that can’t be wrapped up in nice, neat, pretty boxes with clean, perfect bows on the top. several of the people that i’ve talked with at length about all of this have fully embodied webster’s definition of “skeptical.” the interesting thing about 11:11 is that it seems to be able to sneak in regardless of personal belief systems. the universe cannot show us things that lie outside of our accepted set of beliefs. it cannot show us things that we are not vibrationally ready for. yet, the 11’s are just numbers—seeing several in one day, day after day after day is unlikely, but it’s not impossible and can always be chalked up as chance or as luck.
……none of this matters, really, though. once you notice the 11’s, regardless of whether you believe they hold some magical, mysterious message for you; you’re in for a ride. they begin popping up everywhere. you begin noticing…and thinking…and wondering…and examining…and questioning……and {again} noticing. (it’s a cruel cycle.;)) they begin systematically taking apart limiting belief systems and slowly replacing them with a more awakened (and accurate) layout of reality—pushing you and making it possible for you to discover more expanded ways of viewing and feeling the surrounding world.
you may feel confused and disconnected, and it may take a long while to process through—when you feel ready, the next step is to consciously intend to see the truth about the world around you and how you fit into and are connected to this matrix. intend it, think it, feel it…
as already mentioned above, there exists a universal law in which your reality must remain in agreement with your beliefs. if you choose to maintain your old beliefs, nothing will be revealed to you that will violate them. once you ditch old belief systems and paradigms, however, and are fully in a zone of comfort with embracing new ones— evidence of alignment is quickly brought forth. reality begins to shift. incredible things begin to occur.
one of the first things most people, who enter the 11:11 doorway, notice is the surge of synchronicities in their life. highly improbably coincidences will begin to manifest with increasing frequency.
these synchronicities will begin to serve as a powerful guidance system for you. they act as universally communicated confirmations, of sorts—”green light greetings” to let you know that you’re on the right track.
in the beginning, the synchronicities may seem vague, but eventually they’re easily recognizable and focus provoking. for example, it happens often that i begin the day with the notion to explore a new idea, and later move on to meet up with a friend who offers a piece of information that is almost eerily aligned with my thoughts earlier in the day…and as we’re discussing the idea, i’ll look up to notice that the time on the clock is 11:11. –confirmation that it would be in my highest and best interest to further explore that idea.
11:11 is a doorway to a new level of existence, a new awareness of being. it is the inception of a greater understanding of reality, of an increased ability to download information effortlessly…yet, it’s only one of many ways for the world to nudge us into greater awareness. for every path taken, there are countless, individually tailored lessons to be learned along the way and while we are all here for the purpose of growth and soulful evolvement, we each need to honor the ways and the timeline for which our growth is occurring by only traveling in a way that feels comfortable and right. the LARGEST, most reliable indicator, after all, of path alignment resides in our intuitive prowess.
{onward and upward…}
our power is affirmed through our choice and our choice is affirmed through our creation. what seemed an obstacle before now will shift into an invitation to advance. this is the energy of 11/11/11. —support arrives, purpose becomes more clear, and our multi-dimensional, co-creative potential is enhanced by our willingness to simultaneously let go and allow…
—to our continued, endearing journey—