to date, this will be the most non-directional post that i’ve tossed into the mix. i was cleaning out a few files earlier, and came across the below; an outline for the donation-based healing collaborative that my being has been a-brewin’ for the past 12 years. i believe at the time that i wrote it, i was concocting a plan to submit it for some sort of project-donation program. while the exact details consistently morph, the larger vision remains the same. i feel like i have placed actively swimming around in this idea on the back burner. today, it’s been heavily on my mind. “non-directional” because there is little point other than to simply share…and maybe to push myself to pull it back out onto the table—stir the pieces around a little.:)
center for healing & earth-nourished living
collaborative for transformational wellness
co-creating love, gratitude, good health & sustainability
the mission:
- to reconnect with our Earth in a way that allows healing for both ourselves and the planet, and to celebrate this connection between our personal well-being and wild lands through sustainable living practice and education
- to establish a strong network of family and friends with a similar vision— sharing love, laughter, resources, information and skills
- to fully love and support each individual in their process of recognizing and understanding the overwhelming power and stunning potential held with regards to their life path and global purpose
the vision:
- a donation-based education center focusing on health, healing and sustainability through individual consultations, small classes and workshops
the collaborative/center will consist of a shared office space or piece of property with a few small yurts or sustainably constructed buildings used for workshops and/or lodging for overnight stays. it will be a place to gather, for people in the (immediate and far-reaching) community to share talents, resources, information and skills as they relate to creating/supporting health on either a personal or global level.
the path to making it happen: (the “wish list”)
people. (beautiful, love-centered souls…)
it is my intention to draw in people who innately understand how important cultivating a close-knit community is and will be, who understand how worthy it is/will be to reestablish the ability to live {more fully} off of the land below our feet, who have something to offer that will serve to uplift and be of value to other souls. many of us cannot afford to purchase land, alone…i want this opportunity to draw in people who *want* to be a part of this based on a deep and soulfully resonating ‘YES!!!’…souls who resonate at a place far beyond personal gain, who know, deep within, that this idea will only come to fruition in its purest form.
i have a piece of property in mind within walking/biking distance from the village. it is small, yet large enough for gatherings, communal gardens and any education-related adventures. there are two deteriorated buildings on the property that will need to be taken down/cleaned up.
two to begin with for indoor classes/workshops or for overnight lodging.
this variety of public “idea pitching” is far outside of my comfort zone. i recently read (and instantly loved;)) the following quote from will smith, “being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity.” these days, i’m not interested in solid, well-organized thoughts and plans—and i’ve never enjoyed traveling the average path. i’ve grown to recognize my comfort zone as an unproductive place to live. combining interests in sustainable building, permaculture, off-grid living and wild food gathering, i would love to teach, learn and grow with others and, together, create a model of a more respectful, symbiotic and connected way of life with our planet.
creating this center/community is one of my most passionate purposes in this life and, if it is to be, i fully trust that it will take shape in perfect time, through the perfect group of people…and in the most pure and honorable of ways……♥