i believe in the lively-green leaves of deeply-rooted dandelion.
i believe in the restorative power of a black-as-night brew of nettle.
i believe that i can, at times, hear my feet screaming out to touch the earth.
i believe in the innate intelligence of water.
i believe in the healing power of cuddling—and of laughter.
i believe in the calming properties of coconut ice cream.
i believe in colors—especially blues and greens.
i believe in fairies.
i believe in being naked in the company of the sun.
i believe in the inherent ability and desire in all of us to explore love and connection.
i believe that everything happens with purpose.
i believe in keeping my mind open.
i believe that purity attracts purity.
i believe in the certainty that fireflies make all hearts smile.
i believe that i could take all of the money in our house, make paper money airplanes, fly them off of the tallest building and not feel regret.
i believe in kindness.
i believe that there is a fuzzy line between brilliant and loony.
i believe in simplicity.
i believe in dancing at least thrice a day.
i believe in being still at least thrice a day.
i believe that plants recognize me and my thoughts.
i believe that words can get in the way of clear communication.
i believe that i am in the most abundant company when i am hiking through the woods.
i believe in things that i cannot see.
i believe that we already know, yet spend much time trying to remember.
i believe in stretching and an occasional sprint.
i believe in earth-made food.
i believe good soil is essential to good living.
i believe that most things taste better with a spoonful of cinnamon.
i believe in the perfection of this process.
i believe in voting with dollars {airplane dollars;)}.
i believe that one of the greatest pains in our world is of unexpressed potential and creativity.
i believe in ripple effects.
i believe in magic.
i believe enough in the journey to keep stepping.
i believe in reinventing inventions that are no longer positively inventive.
i believe in change.
i believe in myself.
i believe in you.
i believe in us.
(poetry as a spiritual practice, golden dragonfly press, 2016)