this post is neither going to be about making out or baseball.;)
you never know where inspiration is going to come from in the day-to-day.
my inspiration, on this day, came from a link that my friend, emily, posted online.
in one sweeping sentence, the link led to a write-up entitled “30 things to stop doing to yourself.” quickly scanning through the list, i didn’t immediately resonate with any of the in-bold mentions …until i came to #11 (yes, 11, surprised?!). point #11 begins with: “stop being idle”…and wraps up with, “making progress involves risk. period! you can’t make it to second base with your foot on first.”
i had no idea, while i was reading it, that i would spend the rest of the day with these words surfacing (and resurfacing) in my mind. i enjoy risks, and if i can’t think outside of the box, then it’s difficult for me to think at all…but lately—oh, lately—my foot (both feet, really) have been feeling pretty comfy on first base. i’ve gotten comfy in my routine, comfy in my surroundings, comfy in my house…all shades of idle comfy.
((i DO believe that part of my resonant attraction to the word “idle” relates to the “2 year moving itch.” for nearly the past two decades, i have diligently (yet, not calculatively {it’s a word, right?}) moved every 1-2 years. we’ve been here, in this town, for 2 and a half years—and while i am fully cognizant of that must-be-rolling-along gypsy air, i am also determined to stay here. i love this town. i truly do.))
…back to comfy…
2010 (into 2011) was a time period of untamed shifting—new connections, new work space, new writing opportunities. the later half of 2011 took on more of an unprogressive feel—a bit stagnant. in thinking about all that i am here to accomplish during this life, i am (reflectively and presently) tying all of this in with —> too comfy.
for 2012, i am setting the intention to step further away from those things/routines in my life that have become too relaxed for progress while still maintaining that *feels right* intuitive savvy.
2012 is going to be a powerful year…for everybody.
2012 will be a year for us to indulge more in openness, sincerity, authenticity…and to really act on pulling our visions of the future, both collective and individual, into the NOW.
2012 has “home run” written all over it.
Go Team!!!