(the first few paragraphs of what i’ve been working on, and then a hop and a skip to the very last bit {of the intro}……)
“there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
—maya angelou
I spent several years, trailing these two initial experiential “fire starters,” simply sitting with and acclimating to changes within and around my life and myself. While still retaining my naturally happy stance—I, at times, felt unsettled for having traveled down certain paths. I also felt vulnerable, raw, trusting and sincere. There was no focus on decisions toward a result. There was only the intention of being—unaware and unconcerned of any outcome—and a deep sense and knowing that, for a while, I was to be still, encircled by spiritual guidance.
What I’ve stumbled upon, over and over throughout the years, is that health doesn’t come from a bottle, or a cleanse—it comes from being connected, from freely allowing and following fluent tides of passion, from making gut-based decisions, from indulging in openness, love and authenticity—always, in all ways.
I know and love you as a wise and beautiful soul—as a visionary genius! It is my hope and intention that you succeed in the dreams and goals that you envision. To be a small part of the process through passing along any information that might support your travel fills and sustains me. I encourage us—you and I—to continue expanding our individual perceptions of oneness and wholeness until we, collectively, reach the place where every facet of our being enhances our own lives and the lives of each soul we meet.
To and for this journey,
the deepest love and gratitude.
well said, well loved carrie